
Thursday, June 17, 2010


Recently, very busy….

Is that I worried too much, is it because I carry too much things on my shoulder, is that I worry so much about the foresight of others and unable express what I feel, I do not know….

Just hope and wish other peoples will not give me trouble and heavier burden of me…

Every times also like that, when you are very busy, something new problems will arise without you acknowledge and need you to solve it in short span of time…

Always said no choice is my choice…

But, is that I really have no choice….


In this few days, I really can appreciate- “no choice is my choice” – the true meaning of it…

You will not ever know what your feeling is unless you force by others and you need to experience it…

I think, I need strength to make me be brave

If can, I really hope that I can apply self esteem maintenance kit into my daily life!!!

I need those resources apply in my life…. I need those resources to help me growth…

If I have “Medallion”- I think I could be more honest to myself…

I want to be myself own choice maker…

Do not ever influence by others and follow what others said and let those people back step on me…

But why did I unable to do, do what I want to do, stay away from everything - feel relieved

I just want live in a peaceful environment, does not means that I am a person who can bully…

Oirginia Salin mentions that the problem is not the problem; coping is the problem…

“We have choices, especially in terms of responding to stress instead of reacting to situation”…

I hope Salin Therapeutic Belief is true, and really can be applying in my own…

Step by step, help me to cope all of my problems and become our own choice maker….